Monday, June 21, 2010

Hamilton Beach Microwave Operating Instrutions

Lola Ruiz: "We must create that left this country needs" Felix Taberna

Here is the interview Reven has made to his blog Lola Ruiz Domenech on his IU resignation as Councillor for the city of Granada.

What were your main reasons for leaving his post as councilor in the city of Granada? Have you also abandoned their responsibilities United Left and militancy?
My differences with the process called "re" because far from being an open process of dialogue, meeting, shared reflection to build the left plural, democratic ... this country needs, the machine that now dominates what IU are doing are acts with marked electoral and some media attention, which is used once more to the people of good will who come to IU and activists, supporters, some public officials and some leaders of UI, with its generosity demonstrated that it wants a real process of recasting and not a new "consolidation" on the left. I have also
differences with the methods, procedures, ways of acting and understanding the political activity both within and outside institutions, with part of the local and provincial leadership of Granada.
Because I understand that a left-wing organization must set an example of austerity, transparency, legality (internally and externally) and radical democracy. That has to be consistent between what advocates in theory and practice.
Within the organization internally not hold any responsibility for (long that I no longer felt strong) and all that attended was the local Council of Granada for city councilor. No longer City Councillor, automatically stopped attending the local council. Even stay at IU. I have not discharged and I still have my share domiciled. However, with a distinctly Stalinist, I have deleted from mailing lists of local and Granada do not know if the fee will no longer happen, as they have with others, such as Concha Caballero, and then say that as not pay the fee, you stop being a member of IU.

What do you think are the fundamental problems of the United Left? What possible solutions?
The sectarianism of some of their leaders (mainly those running the machine) and some of its members and sympathizers. The struggles continue for the "power", leading to continued division and loss of people, all valuable. The lack of plurality and the inability of its leaders to manage the gap. The lack of internal democracy. The continuous jolts to determine the absence of a clear, real. Lack of self and the eternal delight. Looking from his navel to see beyond. The lack of political courage and clarity in speech.
The solution is to have a lever on the left in this country who do open the eyes of people who still believe that the proposed current UI is the same as when it was created. This involves the people themselves from within IU have to fight to get a real left. This means that people have to stop being "woods" and change to reflect and their own opinion.

You think there's some training worthy of political support and / or voting now or else you need to create a new one?
I think the most necessary today is to build, create that left this country needs. Built with the leftist organizations, social groups, associations and people who feel bereft of a political project. Not a lurch left depending on how the polls go. Concerned people in the street, living the street and down on the floor. A left that is not bureaucratic. Do not miss the drive does not engage in militant and political patronage (both within the organization as an institution). Committed, consistent, democratic, and pluralistic fighter. To abandon the "tics" legacy of the traditional parties rooted in a patriarchal way of understanding organization and therefore inequitable. A left to defend human rights (including the fourth generation) in all places without mincing words.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Gretchen On Orange County Housewives Bathing Suit

little game for Nena! Meets

Okay here I leave little something of what I have knitted lately, although I owe a PAP but not had the time, as it has the public! tod @ s expected to be great! thanks for the visits! ahh and congratulate me in my birthday and the husband graciassss hahaha. Happy start to the week!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Barbell Earring Men Hoop









Friday, June 4, 2010

Where Can I Get A Brazillion Wax In Wichita Ks

leaves IU and participate in a new platform

The coordinator of IU in Navarre, leaves the band for not "create interference" after promote a platform "for change." Felix
Tavern, former coordinator of IU in Navarre and former deputy Navarra drives a platform with former social leaders such as former Secretary General of UGT and CCOO in Navarra. Felix Tavern was the general coordinator of IU from 1992 to 2004 and MP for IU from 1991 to 2007. From that year working in the cabinet of sociological studies of CCOO.
The internet platform is named " not say you can not " aims to foster a change in Navarra, dong currently governs UPN, PP antigual subsidiary of Navarre with the support of PSN, in a parliament that has and left a majority of seats if it would join possible to oust the right.
public platform advocating for change on the left in Navarra is composed, among other others, by Senator regional, Patxi Tuñón, or former socialist mayor of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bJulian Balduz. They are also among the group of promoters, the former leader of UGT Miguel Angel Ancízar, former Secretary General of CCOO in Navarre, Jesús Garatea. Felix Tavern has been one of the main drivers of this platform that seeks the involvement of citizens left by the change in Navarra. Inside IU
there are certain voices that criticize the special importance of people linked to the PSOE that is who is holding the right-wing government in Navarra.
Elena Nieto-TerceraInformacion