Monday, September 5, 2005
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disasters hard to summon all of us human. And the hurricane that struck New Orleans has exposed the misery of not only people, but fundamentally government and American media. Unfortunately, this natural disaster has reminded me of a book I hated every minute length of his reading: "Blindness" by José Saramago.
Saramago is, like all utopian communist, a moralist. And his book is a moralistic so unbearable that did furious. I assumed that books like these and could not be written. He assumed that because we all know how men behave in cases of extreme need and what writing a book with few literary virtues and excessive doses of obvious moral. I still think that Saramago's book is crap. But do not stop to recognize that it may be a useful book if someday exterminate these natural disasters to humans (and I am convinced that we humans exterminate a natural phenomenon) and is taken as a history book for any alien who falls in these parts. Do not let high literary virtues of the species, but will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe usual behavior of man to an alien civilization that can not decode more complex literary works. I would like to have saved the complete works of Shakespeare, but if you lucky to be saved on "Blindness" and "Siddhartha", I prefer the first. And hopefully removing all the history books, which as Batlle know, seem to be written by Argentines.
"This disaster that moves the world "has shown several things: the U.S. government's apathy about their own people, the racism that is endemic in American society, the poverty in which much of the population and (again) the world's attention it arouses such a phenomenon when it happens in the U.S..
As obvious as Saramago's novel, but that still surprises many people (my father, for example, thought that there was little poor people in the U.S. and not yet inefficiency can believe the U.S. government to assist its citizens).
To date the disaster I had earned as much attention as in the past some flooding in India, or un terremoto en Turquía. Puede sonar desalmado, pero lo que verdaderamente me preocupa es que aparezca Alex Chilton.
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