Sunday, October 9, 2005

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Borges Brand New

Until today I thought I had read about all that Borges would answer in interviews. But leafing through an old magazine from 1991, published on the occasion of the 15 th anniversary of the English newspaper Diario 16 and in reproducing the best articles in the supplement 'Cultures' (and while I notice that the design of the Country Cultural is suspiciously similar to Cultures and that its name is exactly the same as that of the late charge of The Observer), I find an interview with Jorge Luis Borges published in 1985. The interview is more or less the same as always, until he came to these two questions, which surprised me enough to reproduce here:

-You seem to be hostile to any state protective intervention in the arts.

is that I have received so many official awards ... Well, I do not know to what extent state intervention can be accepted. Right now in Buenos Aires, there are countless pornographic publications, magazines displayed with a photograph of ass in this or that actress and her name down. And that is sold. At the same time, you think: "Well, what better than that is spent? People get tired." It does not prevent it striking that those who are occupying positions in Buenos Aires dedicated to that. For example, a man named Pacho O'Donnell. If Fred did sign already a little suspicious right? He says: "The Indians, our ancestors ..." But how? If I am called O'Donnell, my ancestors will be druids, but not Indians. Well, this man has written a book called "Seduction of the daughter of the keeper." And I tell you that seduction is in charge of ... a lesbian, so that the content is even more serious than the title. And another man, Gorostiza, has a piece of theater is the defense of our pimp. Our culture, therefore, is in the hands of those very radicals.

you -translated Henri Michaux. As he would you have tempted other drugs?

I failed with cocaine and marijuana. I made several experiments honest, five or six. And with cocaine, yeah, I was garrulous, very nervous. With marijuana, however, I felt absolutely nothing. Now, I was about to be drunk. Every Saturday we went Francisco Luis Bernardez and I to visit the suburbs of Buenos Aires. Then, as there was not much to do, we walked into the store, so we asked, para ser criollos, una caña brasilera, un guindado oriental o lo que fuera. Eso duró algún tiempo. Hasta que un día estaba en una reunión y alguien, quizás un ángel, dijo: "Lástima que Borges sea borracho". No sé quién dijo eso, pues yo no me di la vuelta, pero dejé el alcohol en ese instante. ¿Por qué? Porque pensé que, aunque eso no era cierto, podría llegar a serlo en cualquier momento. Desde entonces no he probado el vino. Sólo un poquito de champagne, en alguna fiesta de fin de año, para no quedar como una persona hosca que se niega a la alegría ajena. Fíjese, Oscar Wilde decía que la única intoxicación es la conversación; pero él murió drunk.

I know that in Spain the word "ass" is as normal, but I found it very strange in the context of this interview, not to imagine how strange it must be said: "Borges, do not sleep the joint is turned off ".
I do not understand is how Borges could see the ass of the actresses in the magazines being nearly blind. Which leads me to assume the following dialogue: "Tell me

Mary, what magazines published today in their covers? -Butt
actresses, Borges. With just under a corresponding credit.


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