Thursday, December 8, 2005

Can Anyone Buy Oxygen?

post traumatic stress

While still writing this on December 8. And for many, the December 8th is the day of the beaches but the day he killed John Lennon.
Well, I was 12 and, like many, I can describe exactly where it was, what he did, what I thought. Like when I heard about Cobain. Or when Strummer died. Or when Joey Ramone ... or the day of the WTC attack. Luckily he stretched forth Kennedy, Morrison, Joplin and Hendrix. While

impresses me now do 25 years from that day my cousin told me 9 years Point Blank "They killed John Lennon", the purpose of this mini post is to say that what impresses me most is not remembering anything of December 7 or December 9 or almost any other day of 1980. Not a single moment.

Get a life, Ghetto.


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