Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Jock Straps For Big And Tall Mens

Eastern the grave!

Following this strange revival of patriotic pride Eastern novaleventar prophylactic measure recommended reading 20 times the last post of Benito entitled "Yes, I am Uruguayan" and attend rallies in support Tienda Inglesa, disguised as a butcher, bloody knife in hand and with a banner that read:

"Zeta Saravia and traitors. The country became a knife and thanks to the English."

Monday, February 27, 2006

Ge Profile Microwave Convection Recipes

Saravia and "them"

Enough has been said about Saravia's comment on the appropriateness of teaching high school students to handle weapons Uruguayans. No less could be expected of a devilish Saravia.

Now, the good thing is that Saravia comment simply said: "In 25 years 'they' will come with food and water."
Since then, a doubt eats me ...

Who are they?

They are the poor to the rich.
They are the rich to the poor. They are black
They are the white thieves. They are thieves
red. They are the ladris
of cap and ships.
They are the cap and ship managers. They are circumstantially
They eventually may become the Brazilians
They are the U.S.-Israeli alliance to the Palestinians of Chuy
They are the terrorists in the Triple Border
They are alien to Earthlings Earthlings
They are to Earthlings
They are either than us.

In what is certain is that "they" are bad. Bravo

What, ultimately, is to realize who the good.

examination, however, Saravia has done what has very few precedents in the recent history of Uruguay. Possible to take advantage of a conflict, since the government put the enemy, here at 25 years, provided across borders. Any enemy. Them.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

How Can You Tell If You Have Dandruff Or Lice

I have powers

is true, I have a half silly powers, but no less striking. No good for much: just to see a few hours in advance what books I find at the fair.

To you I look funny, but I was a little scary. Come on, one thing is not having any power at all and another is to have a power, more useless it is. The world is changing dramatically before verification how wonderful rationally inexplicable.

As if that was not enough power in luck I have had absolutely useless (and I repeat no less wonderful and scary) today has become downright harmful. And that leads me to consider if this will be the essential feature of all supernatural powers.

As you know, almost every Sunday I go to the Feria de Tristan Narvaja. And almost every Saturday night I stayed in my house talking to Remo, on whatever. Well, sometimes that has happened in those talks rather eventful night and I expressed aloud: "Tomorrow on the show I find this book." I have met many times, but always happens is quite touching, especially because it is books that come looking for months and even years. And especially because it is not something that occurs to me that every Saturday night and guesses a few times. No. Every time I said I would find a book I found, meaning that even if they were a few times, the success rate is a resounding 100%

Once was "Profane Love" by Catherine Dunn. Remo is that he had read with enthusiasm and returned it before I could read it. So one day I had no doubt that the next morning I would find at the fair. And I found it. It may seem impressive to those not used to seeing week after week the same books. Simply put, the probability that one day to another displayed the book we are looking for months, tends to zero. And it happened not only with Dunn, whose book had information that tended to appear here and there but I never encounter it, but off unique books of Elmore Leonard, JD Salinger and Kurt Vonnegut now.

Remo is that yesterday I asked if by chance he had "Galapagos." Her question came out of nowhere, for nothing and smart and no, I have no "Galapagos". But immediately afterwards said "Tomorrow I'll find 'Welcome to the Monkey House', in English or translated. Why did I say that? "We were not talking about" Galapagos ", which Nor did he have? It would be simply because he would find "Welcome to the Monkey House" The next morning, and no "Galapagos." So, I went to the fair for Cerro Largo, twisted by Tristan Narvaja and went to Ruben. And there was, at $ 50, a book that makes it look ... 10 years?

But earlier I said that my powers have become useless downright harmful. Why? Because while the intense thrill of finding the book led me to buy it right away and not noticing anything, once coming to my house I noticed that the book was a library. More precisely from the library by Remo. How do you keep him without feeling like a bastard? Who gives me back my $ 50? Farewell to the Monkey House. Farewell to $ 50.

I have powers ...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

What Does And Inside Of A Vingina Look Like

Austria, birthplace of freedom

a couple of days ago, British historian David Irving was convicted in Vienna for denying the Holocaust and was sentenced to three years in prison.

Karen Pollock, representing the Holocaust Educational Trust, UK, welcomed the verdict: "Holocaust denial is anti-Semitism dressed up as intellectual debate and should be considered and treated as such."
Irving was arrested in Austria in November, based on a warrant from 1989, when he a conference and an interview in which he denied the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz.

At trial, Irving conceded he denied that Nazi Germany killed millions of Jews there. He said that was what I thought at the time, until he had access to personal files of Adolf Eichmann, the organizer of the Holocaust.

"What I said was based on what I knew at the time, but in 1991, when I agreed to the Eichmann papers, I stopped to say such a thing and did not assert now," Irving said in court.
Irving pleaded guilty, because according told reporters he had "no alternative." He expressed that he thought "ridiculous" that the judge for expressing an opinion.

If there is something that no doubt is that the bad timing of the Austrians to judge Irving, while still not off the clamor of the Muhammad cartoons and the renewed infatuation with the slogan "The West is freedom of expression" . The corollary is obvious: Austria is not the West.

Hopefully some select media world solidarity with Irving and raise their voices in protest, but none will publish its 1989 conference interview or in defense of freedom of expression.

Maybe that's what was missing in the debate on the Muhammad cartoons: risk to calculate how the media published by genuine solidarity with the freedom of the press questioned how many because they correctly editorialized its publication and how it illustrated a story unavoidable.