Wednesday, February 22, 2006

What Does And Inside Of A Vingina Look Like

Austria, birthplace of freedom

a couple of days ago, British historian David Irving was convicted in Vienna for denying the Holocaust and was sentenced to three years in prison.

Karen Pollock, representing the Holocaust Educational Trust, UK, welcomed the verdict: "Holocaust denial is anti-Semitism dressed up as intellectual debate and should be considered and treated as such."
Irving was arrested in Austria in November, based on a warrant from 1989, when he a conference and an interview in which he denied the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz.

At trial, Irving conceded he denied that Nazi Germany killed millions of Jews there. He said that was what I thought at the time, until he had access to personal files of Adolf Eichmann, the organizer of the Holocaust.

"What I said was based on what I knew at the time, but in 1991, when I agreed to the Eichmann papers, I stopped to say such a thing and did not assert now," Irving said in court.
Irving pleaded guilty, because according told reporters he had "no alternative." He expressed that he thought "ridiculous" that the judge for expressing an opinion.

If there is something that no doubt is that the bad timing of the Austrians to judge Irving, while still not off the clamor of the Muhammad cartoons and the renewed infatuation with the slogan "The West is freedom of expression" . The corollary is obvious: Austria is not the West.

Hopefully some select media world solidarity with Irving and raise their voices in protest, but none will publish its 1989 conference interview or in defense of freedom of expression.

Maybe that's what was missing in the debate on the Muhammad cartoons: risk to calculate how the media published by genuine solidarity with the freedom of the press questioned how many because they correctly editorialized its publication and how it illustrated a story unavoidable.


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