Thursday, December 17, 2009

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flies home. A victory for the Saharawi cause

"It's a victory for Justice, International Law, Human Rights and for the Saharawi cause. "Those were the first words of a victorious Haidar, just outside the General Hospital of Lanzarote airport bound Guacimeta.
More than 300 people have received with cheers and applause at the airport Guacimeta , where he was the defender of Human Rights in a medicalized ambulance, escorted by the Civil Guard to board the plane to his home in Laayoune.
The plane, provided by the Government of Spain, has taken off from Lanzarote Airport shortly before half past eleven at night. Along with his medical travel Haidar, Martin de Guzman, director of the Hospital Insular, and his sister Laila.
Sahrawi activist traveled without a passport Moroccan or English and a free pass from Spain to leave the country, the same travel document that was used in its failed out on 4 December, as we read in The World.
Government sources confirmed that Spain and Morocco have reached an agreement for the return of the Sahrawi activist. Shortly after 20.00 pm (21.00 on the Peninsula) landing at Lanzarote a plane to transport the Sahrawi activist to his home, located in Western Sahara.
defender of Human Rights has already left the General Hospital of Lanzarote, where he was admitted because of his hunger strike, he assured at the gates of the hospital the president of the State Federation of Institutions in solidarity with the Sahara from Spain and a member of the Platform Support Haidar, Carmelo Ramírez.
According to Ramirez, in the plane Haidar move to accompany her sister Laila Haidar and Dr. Domingo de Guzmán Pérez Hernández, who attended in the early weeks of hunger strike.
Pilar del Rio, wife of Nobel Literature, José Saramago, who has been transmitted the news to the environment Haidar. It was the same Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who telephoned the good news to the wife of Nobel Prize.
Circulated among the parliamentary groups and this afternoon the information was about to reach an agreement ex-Spain-Morocco for the transfer of the assets, which ultimately has materialized. Foreign
not confirmed by then, although the owner, Miguel Angel Moratinos, suspended his appearance before the Foreign Affairs Committee in Congress to overturn in the negotiations.
"Right now we are in intense negotiations to get the results we all desire. We must be prudent and discreet, but the government will act with determination," he said in the corridors of Parliament.
Born in 1966 in Akka, in the Moroccan region of Tata, the Saharawi tribe izarguien - And is registered in the voter-Saharan UN was kidnapped by the Moroccan security forces in 1987 after participating in an independence demonstration.
Then came the torture, which is his failing health. In 1991 he was released, and since then has been devoted to denouncing human rights violations in Western Sahara which Morocco annexed in 1976.
But torture did not end there. In 2005, after being beaten in the street, police stopped her at the hospital where he tried to heal their wounds. He was imprisoned in the Black Prison in El Aaiun, where he spent seven months to which he was convicted.
One month after enter in this prison, began a hunger strike that lasted 51 days. Aminatou claimed that the Saharawi political prisoners were regarded as such.

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Haidar keeps the hunger strike in the ICU

Haidar was transferred early this morning in an ambulance from the airport, where he was serving his thirty-second day hunger strike. His move came at his request, his lawyer explained, Inés Miranda, past two in the morning. Haidar
yesterday afternoon began to suffer severe stomach and abdominal pain, continuous vomiting and retching. After consulting Edi
Escobar, the person who personally attends, Dr. Guzmán y a su letrada, Haidar decidió que se llamara a una ambulancia.
A las 0:40 se le administró un tratamiento para el dolor a base de calmantes. La abogada explicó que no se le ha administrado nada más, que no se le está nutriendo y que se encuentra “consciente y lúcida”.
Este jueves podrá ser visitada por los miembros de la plataforma y por varios de sus familiares, que llegaron a Lanzarote para verla, entre ellos su hermana, que se acercó al Hospital de madrugada.
Haidar había empeorado ostensiblemente en los últimos dos días, y especialmente desde la mañana del miércoles, en que mostró los primeros signos de deshidratación.
La abogada de Haidar Activist says keeps the hunger strike in the ICU and only get painkillers.
This Saturday will be held a major demonstration in Madrid , which goes from the Plaza de Cibeles at 12 noon, demanding that Al Haidar can return to Laayoune.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

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IU executive leaves the Open de Madrid after the pact with the PP in Velilla

Soledad Alcaide / El País
The censure motion yesterday ousted the Socialists of the City of Velilla de San Antonio (11,200 inhabitants)-after which the sum and 122 PP-led popular mayors a break in the direction of IU. The five members of IU Open (the minority who heads Sabanés Agnes) that still remained the regional executive decided last night to abandon the "unfairness" with which they are treated.
While we were defending a majority of the left in Velilla, someone from the direction of IU was a pact with the PP and there we have the result: a PP mayor of a municipality with left-wing majority, justified the deputy Fausto Fernandez, who reported their decision in a statement sent to the coordinator, Gregory Gordon. With him, they leave their positions in the direction of IU: Maria Espinosa (responsible for cross-sectional areas), the regional deputy Reyes Montiel (Mobility), Juan Martínez (Employment) and Ines Saban, who appears with voice but no vote because Assembly Speaker. 10 days ago left the spokesperson of the Presidency Tania Sanchez, due to disagreement with management. IU
Open The decision was taken after the executive meeting of the coalition. In it, the majority of IU-sector at the top of the coordinator and spokesman Gregorio Gordo Town Hall of Madrid, Angel Pérez-denied that it has negotiated with the PP for a successful motion. "Until the last minute we've tried to not to leave," said Gordo THE COUNTRY.
However, according to the sources in the PP and IU, yes there were "conversations" for about five months between the head of the territorial area CP, Borja Sarasola, and colleagues, and the coordinator of President of IU, the regional deputy Antero Ruiz on the socialists out of the City of Velilla. In them, Ruiz would have been said that the coalition does not drive out the council unless they entered the new municipal government. Only regional management
UI denies the story. Popular ratified it yesterday. "We have had numerous conversations with the leadership of IU," said the secretary of the popular, Francisco Granados. "They were the instigators of the motion, but have never shown opposite." Sarasola, also confirmed through a spokeswoman, meetings and said "never IU said to oppose. "
But Ruiz denied." We had some comments, conversations, "he said of his contacts with Sarasola, which claims were before the summer." I have always told we would not support the motion. " And he challenged the popular to present a paper desmintiera.IU he has refused in recent weeks to expel the two mayors of Velilla. Only after yesterday's censure motion, as the federal coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara disavowed the actions of the two councilors, regional management began to backpedal. compromising the clamp agreed with the PP. Even the secretary general of the PSM, Tomás Gómez, called him a "pact unnatural."
Therefore, the regional bureau announced in the morning to drive out the two councilmen. But he refused to do it before, although they asked Fausto Fernández, until now responsible for the institutional area, in a letter sent to Greg Gordon on 4 December, the day after the motion is recorded in the Consistory.
"Only prompt action determined by the IU-CM can slow the success of the motion in Velilla," he said in the letter. "Would come in separate from the organization in advance. (...) In that case would be treated like a turncoat for the subsequent implementation of the Covenant Antitransfuguismo." Fernandez called for the urgent convening of the Presidency, the body that must decide on the expulsion. Never did: the council continued at IU. And they will, because until 22 there will be no record with a request for expulsion.
Antero Ruiz, coordinator of the Presidency, he justified it to the last time the motion was intended to stop. "In Morata de Tajuña got in the last minute not to support," he argued. "We did not want to threaten them, hoping to convince them." Hence the output of IU Open Gordo said yesterday: "Instead of criticism and correct, we have initiated a ridiculous way to the more regrettable."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

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When the recall was not merged

Simple and interesting article by Professor Juan Carlos today in the Public Purse, which gives an overview of the relentless pursuit of re-foundation and repetitive by the left. Since there was talk of left and right in the French Revolution, is retaining the right and left is refounding, says Wallace.
I'll take the last two paragraphs:
The last major overhaul of the English left social impulse born of the referendum against NATO. The laudable attempt in motion not a big difference to the process that gave birth to IU, was that no action and that relevant collective Izquierda Unida has fragmented into more groups than those who originated them. The restructuring of the left driven by a PCE that weighs the past, and often a present-Cain, noisy social common sense left, the fruit of memory and contradictions generated by the system. Leads, despite having voted or worked in this space, referenced to 30 years without politically. What's new? Repetitions not merged.
Saint Exupéry said: "If you build a ship, do not start to look for wood, cutting boards or distribute the work, but first has to evoke in men the desire for the sea." Refounding the left does not happen today gather around election hit a mark, but by evoking the longing of the sea. If you want to build socialism, do not start to look for a match, or negotiate to win council seats (important things), but first has to evoke in men the desire for emancipation. It is again time for ideas and pedagogies.

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Aminatou, we love living

Like this manifesto in favor of life without reducing policy approaches. Dear

Aminatou, the world has witnessed these weeks with admiration the strength of your convictions, the courage of your principles, your cause justice, dignity in your struggle. We think it is enough Aminatou, and both your people and those for which they represent an example as well as your own relatives and friends, need more of your life that you remember. Similarly, human rights activists have taken example of the battle, but they need to follow them every day. It is true that martyrs inspire the movement, but at this point in history is littered with martyrs and what we need is that citizens become aware of the problems. This we have achieved with your struggle, Aminatou.

We ask everyone who can reach Aminatou to endorse this message and transmit it, so it ends in the next few hours with his hunger strike, and can start as soon as his recovery.

Pedro López López. Professor Universidad Complutense, Nazanin Amirian. Professor UNED, Carmen Lamarca Pérez. Carlos III University Professor. Rosa Regás Pagés. Writer. Gustavo Duch Guillot. Rural University Freire.Juan Paulo José Tamayo Acosta. Theologian. Higinio Polo. Teacher and writer. Javier Parra Molina. Journalist. Director of "The Republic", Soledad Gallego Díaz. Journalist. Ignacio Ramonet. Director of "Le Monde Diplomatique" in English. Vellosillo Inmaculada González. Complutense University professor. José Manuel Martín Medem. Journalist. Maruja Torres. Journalist. Carlos Villan Duran. President of the English Association International Law of Human Rights. Ana Balseiro. Journalist. James Petras. Sociologist. Almudena Grandes. Writer. Luis García Montero. Writer. Benjamin Prado. Writer. Inma Chacón. Writer. Milagros Hernández Calvo. Madrid town council
Paula Sequeiros. Professor Universidade do Porto. Trinidad Deiros Bronte. Journalist. José Antonio Gómez Hernández. Professor University of Murcia. Ana Barceló. Journalist. Elías Sanz Casado. Carlos III University Professor. Pepo Saz Paz. Editor. Luis Oporto Ordóñez. Director General, Library and Historical Archive of the National Congress of Bolivia. Aurora Cuevas Cervero. Complutense University professor ...

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Holas, the times! Reporting

Well, as you will understand because of the multiple changes in my life, it is becoming harder reported by these sides, however, I've been knitting but I have no internet to upload pictures more often, apart from some things that literally took them off his hands and does not give me a chance to photic, here I leave some socks I've been knitting this time with yarn, not wool as came by, they are more delicate and more like people are saying ... PC! Greetings to all and thanks for keep visiting!