Wednesday, December 9, 2009

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When the recall was not merged

Simple and interesting article by Professor Juan Carlos today in the Public Purse, which gives an overview of the relentless pursuit of re-foundation and repetitive by the left. Since there was talk of left and right in the French Revolution, is retaining the right and left is refounding, says Wallace.
I'll take the last two paragraphs:
The last major overhaul of the English left social impulse born of the referendum against NATO. The laudable attempt in motion not a big difference to the process that gave birth to IU, was that no action and that relevant collective Izquierda Unida has fragmented into more groups than those who originated them. The restructuring of the left driven by a PCE that weighs the past, and often a present-Cain, noisy social common sense left, the fruit of memory and contradictions generated by the system. Leads, despite having voted or worked in this space, referenced to 30 years without politically. What's new? Repetitions not merged.
Saint Exupéry said: "If you build a ship, do not start to look for wood, cutting boards or distribute the work, but first has to evoke in men the desire for the sea." Refounding the left does not happen today gather around election hit a mark, but by evoking the longing of the sea. If you want to build socialism, do not start to look for a match, or negotiate to win council seats (important things), but first has to evoke in men the desire for emancipation. It is again time for ideas and pedagogies.


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