Carlos Artola / Transverse
In recent months, the second wave of the global crisis has sparked an attack in Europe unprecedented coordinated against social rights. The elites want to ensure that the costs of the crisis caused by the speculative dynamics of global capitalism fall on the backs of most of the working population. If successful there may be a historical reversal of the gains made by decades of social struggles.
In Spain, the Zapatero government has launched a strong plan of adjustment and, at the time of writing, study a labor market reform that allows the lowering of dismissal. This is one of Europe's most aggressive package, which means, if successful, an option the current English government for helping to break the rules of play and social equilibrium. Also, can violate a defeat of historic importance to the labor movement in our country and to dismantle the political left for a long period. None of this is a surprise. Zapatero's second term has deepened a right turn on other issues that bring together multiple samples of perceived inability of the ruling team policy.
In these circumstances the theoretical premises exist in Spain for the development of an area to the left against liberalist orientation of the PSOE and IU atrophy allows unify the actions of those who advocate an alternative rights and freedoms from the capital requirements. Unfortunately, between the need for something and their actual presence is a long distance.
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