Monday, June 27, 2005

Woolite By Zero Used In He?

Tyrants Tremble

Please forgive me, dear sir, but I'm tough and honest temperament, so that from the beginning you will make this clarification: Do not be fooled, this text is far from a mere plagiarism. By contrast (and will soon warn you), it is an epistle brief, somewhat strange, that perhaps it might be a lesson for not only myself but many mighty souls. First of all, I hasten to introduce myself, to have you in mind, while reading, my visual image, as if it were a picture watermark, which is far more honest than foster, through silence, often erroneous conclusions removed inadvertently type of writing that has in the eyes. No, despite my bold pen and arbitrariness of my commas, I am a mature and strong, clear that there is a strong stout, is tasteless, cunning and temper. Is very far, sir, the bulk of Gertrude Stein, writer so hated by the Knights. But enough. You, as a writer, and together with the data sufficient to complete, on your own, my portrait. Bonjour, Monsieur. And go on with it.

bought few days ago in a used bookstore (which an illiterate target reduced to a dreary street in Montevideo) three or four old books, including his short story collection "The tyrannicide." Cute title at least, if for no other reason, because its original title in English ("Tyrants Destroyed") very similar to a famous verse of the anthem of my country which is worth serving. So cute title was precisely what sparked my interest. On the other hand, I keep generally, certain prejudices against collections of stories are collected in the peace of a golden exile in places such as Montreux and Vienna. But I bought it, as I said, your book.

Ah, my dear sir, ah, Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich, how easy it is to guess that the author is hiding under a pseudonym, the author is not an ordinary man, but the time-space traveler Tichy Ijon ! Every sentence you write is buttoned at infinity. The preference that you demonstrate by words such as "time spent" or "when the gods used to take earthly forms," \u200b\u200breplacement the restrictions introduced to sex education in school curricula for the teaching of "Gypsy fight," the aversion to snuff by the leader, who cleverly subverts a disproportionate taste the cucumber in his time waiters and the recommendation of the laughter as a remedy to overcome their unique thought, fair enough as a sign of his fondness for human and literary satire, and its anachronistic nature. But that is only the beginning.

Is it necessary to clarify the above? Will you need to tell you, when reading his work, so agile, so atrocious, I suffered a sense of déjà vu ? Tore my index, to open the old pages but not cut, and my eyes just could manage, to travel, to blink, victims of disbelief and amazement.
Will you know what happened? With great pleasure. While you, lying in his hammock with the full weight of his body, let the pages sprout from his pen like a fountain (almost a pun), you wrote, sir, the story of the first months of the current administration of my country (*). Allow me to transcribe, to the astonishment of the readers of this letter, the accurate portrayal diabolically you date, written in France in 1938.

"The point is that as his power grew, I began to realize that the obligations of citizens, the admonitions, restrictions, ordinances, and all forms of pressure that we inflicted, they acquired a close resemblance to the man, revealed a relationship unequivocal traits of character and details of their past, to the point that on the basis of these decrees and injunctions could rebuild his personality, as rebuilt from an octopus-tentacles, that personality that I was one of the few who knew thoroughly. In other words, everything around him gradually took its own look. The law began to show a likeness farcical with his walk and gestures. The deposits of the grocers began storing an excessive amount of cucumbers, vegetable he avidly consumed in their youth. School programs today include gypsy fight that, in rare moments of excitement cold, he used to play with my brother on the floor, twenty-five years. The newspaper articles and novels of writers sycophants have adopted this dry style, this quality lapidary supposedly meaningless, basically because each coin phrase repeated in different key, one and the same truism officer, effective language cum thought infirm, and many other stylistic affectations you are very typical. Soon I felt that he, as I remember, all pervading, infesting their presence mode of thinking, the daily life of each person, so that their mediocrity, their gray habits and tedious, and were the very life of the country. And finally, the law that he imposed, the relentless power of the majority, endless sacrifice to the idol of most sociological-lost all meaning, for most it is . "

Oh, well, I think all this deserves explanation. The first piece is a shame that I made, mutatis mutandis, about the beginning of the excellent story "The tower Admiralty "by Vladimir Nabokov. This story is a letter a reader wrote to the author (or author) of a novel, believing that it is based on the story of his first love." The Tower (or "the spire. .. ") of the Admiralty" is what you have written funnier Nabokov and blame the author of the epistle prefixed to the story full of literary cliches and aristocratic affectations with which the author "distorted" history "real" move in the field of non-reliable narrators and characters somewhat pathetic Nabokov popped in "Pnin".

The second, quoting and without bold intervention on my part, is a fragment of the story "tyrannicide", which name to the collection.
Yesterday I read two stories and one way or another mixed more or less like trying to do here. The emergence of the pastiche Ijon Tichy is just another disgrace useful to my purposes. Bored with my previous post, I decided to write what I thought yesterday while reading, but not before saying yes, it is a shame, a dare and a joke, inspired by the discovery of tyrannicide that laughter is the only response to the power of governments.

(*) I should clarify (oh, sensitive souls) that the comparison is, of course, a tremendous exaggeration. The tyrant of Nabokov's story molding is a dictator halfway between Hitler, Stalin and Lenin, but I could not resist the temptation to play the paragraph above, for indeed my thoughts were hilariously over here and now while reading this paragraph and at the end of the story when tyrannicide discovers that the secret is in the joke.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Resume Cover Letters Dental Hygiene

(not invent it goes Tarariras Herald)

not invent it had access to CT brain Jackie Rodriguez Stratta. The popular film commentator for Channel 10, confessed to the doctor in charge of the review was very satisfied with the results: "There are no doubts that I have a brain exquisite," he said.

Daniel Lucas, jealous of the results obtained by his colleague, undertook an MRI, unable to find in Montevideo scanner of its size. The results were disastrous as they tried to take the exam with an electromagnet because the whole team by MRI had resigned in solidarity with Dr. Leborgne. The content of the brain
Lucas was completely erased but after making three weeks of physiotherapy, the critic of Channel 12 seems to have recovered 90% of normal brain function: "Repeat the words correctly 'Fantastic', 'Notable' and 'spectacular' but the channel marketing managers have asked us if we planted the false memory of being lost brother of George Lucas. We're working on it." "Said the doctor soothingly.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Belladonna Have A Kid

The death of a polemicist

Today, I've been away from newspapers, radios or televisions, as news reaches me: Juan José Saer has died. The first thing I say is "Ailbe going to be sad", perhaps because she was the first reader of Saer I knew and whom he professes great respect for intellectual, while she amuses the impression caused Saer personally.

I do not know in depth the work of JJS. I read some of his essays and I jumped for his novels, but I never managed to stay in it. However, there is something fundamental in JJS, who exercised with violence and passion: the role of polemicist. It is no accident that this same Saer says Borges.

In December 1999, Saer visited Montevideo on the occasion of the publication of his book "The narrative-object" and SR and I went there to interview him. The memory I have of this interview is that it was a near disaster. Saer was angry and impatient and I had the impression that either you were doing the most idiotic questions of the world or he did not know any closest approach to politeness.
I had not read that interview until today and now I find it impossible to combine the commemoration of the interview with what I see written on the paper. The only thing that matches between what I remember and what I read is violence. Perhaps, then, the questions were not the most foolish of the world, but Juan José Saer not believe his role in this world had nothing to do with the kindness and everything to do with his own words and brutally clear. And if the young women journalists are not used, beyond them ...

This is part of what Saer said just over half an hour of interview:

"The problem is: sometimes criticism bad journalism levels, neutralizes bad things. Is a dangerous confusion between what is merely commercial production and real literature. (...) You can not judge on one page of literature, can not be judged as the same thing to Paul Celan's poetry and novels by Paulo Coelho. This critical distinction in the past but have now completely erased the boundaries. Now, the criterion is the numerical superiority of the copies sold, are commercial standards prevailing over those who complete the designs of the literary pages. Thus, a man like that was allowed when Bertelsmann bought Sudamericana, a publisher with a tradition than honorable, that no writer or River Plate of Argentina to sell less than ten or twenty thousand copies would be published by them. An opinion like that deserves, first, the complete disregard of all those dedicated to culture. At the same time, reveals a total ignorance about what was the history of literature in Latin America and the Río de la Plata. Felisberto not exist, Onetti not exist, Borges would not exist. Or Macedonian, or Antonio Di Benedetto, and I could go on indefinitely. "

" When I talk about the current best-Sellerés, I mean the way in which they re willing genres from rechewing resources, resobados. It bothers me that build their texts clearly commercial purposes and also position themselves as artists. To just give an example: the English case that individual without any talent, Mr. Pérez-Reverte. Intended to write adventure stories now cheaper mechanisms adventure novels of the nineteenth century, which at that time had been exceeded with other mechanisms of the genre much more refined. Who writes it then? "

" The genres also spent and that's fine, but if you want to write genre literature, has to be doubly creative, you have to dive into the genre until the end. For example, Stephen King, who writes that seudoliteratura of terror, not only did not invent anything, but it also uses procedures that no author of the genre-and God knows if there will be great masters of horror fiction, like Poe, and Lovecraft-never had lowered to use. Procedures fully apricots, complacent. The great authors of genre work all the time in the margins, and eventually expand its borders, introducing new elements ... Think for example in the novels now, American novels, James Ellroy, for example. Do not come down from the 600 pages. Why have so many pages? Not even he knows. (...) The old goat, as I affectionately call Agatha Christie was so trader like them, but solved the thing in 180 pages. 90% of the time were a mess, but there are six or seven novels that came out very well. "

" Today I've just had a bad moment in a radio, because not only asked me about Onetti and Felisberto, authors Uruguayans those who feel a deep admiration. I had to talk about other writers Uruguayans I will not name now and I had to speak my mind. In the most delicate way possible, but what I think. So, well, I will destroy my reputation, and is very little to destroy ... "

" From what I've seen in a few pages of Andahazi (do not know, I want to ruin anyone's career, but we are far below what literature has to be) a bit of criticism or critical reading could do with this guy "

" was the last English writer Malcolm Lowry, then there there were more writers in England. And the last English writer was Calderon de la Barca, Antonio Machado perhaps. "

Saer said it was not enough to declare an influence, he had to earn it. He also said he was tired of Borges, as he wrote critical essays on his work which indicated that Borges was confrontational rather than critical. That is precisely the thesis of 'Borges as a problem': "Much of his essays, reviews, articles and conferences are true artillery, and sometimes even mere variations of Surrealist act par excellence, consistently, as is known, go out and shoot a gun against crowd. "

Many critics have seen as the innovator of Saer Argentine letters after Borges. If, as I said Saer, genres are broken, it may also degrade the quality of the River Plate writers. Personally, I still can stay in or Saer and perhaps most surprised at his absence or death of Argentina's best debater after Borges. Y much more if I start to think that the best debater Argentina after Saer is Aira.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Best Picyrues Of Womens Girdles

The Almost Deads

Is not there a band with that name? OK, I think not, and which is formally anointed the band's official blog. His hits include "The Deads Almost Dead" and "Dying all life long," the latter about the life of a hairdresser whose refrain goes "Dying to Dye / Dying all life long / You were wrong / Life is a lie." The Almost Deads is playing now in Lima, Peru-Uruguay match, I hear on the radio as I write.

self-referential writing is not all bad, but no worse than the bad writing self-referential writing. It is like holding a drunk, "Sho eshhtoy not bor-rr-acho.
If a blog starts to realize how painful it may be writing a blog, we're stuck. When he writes a blog starts to rely on Dr. Johnson to justify their laziness, The Almost Deads play harder.

"Only a blockhead writes with no money involved"

The great Dr. Johnson is absolutely right, but there are those who are socks with joy. Or those who have so many ideas that no matter wasting two or three ideas weak fool to change any money and a little fun. Not so Ghetto.

To this is added a handful of convictions about how or what should be a blog:

a) should be updated twice a week promedially
b) should disappear if you spend more than three weeks without updating
c) posts or entries should be allowed capricious, short or even incomprehensible.

I think all the blogs I like to meet these three premises, except mine.

Let's see, I'll do something horrible. I'll make The Almost Deads touch "Diggin 'in the dirt" completely inappropriate song to your style. It is an exercise in self-destruction. You dig in the trash when he wants to survive. Look for food in trash or going to a psychiatrist, which is more or less the same. And for Almost Deads, trying to survive a suicide.

Diggin 'in the dirt is, in this case, dive in my red notebook. Reading the last thing written or copied the following meeting.

Not the snow of flowers,
That the hurrying wild wind whirls round the garden court
What withers and falls away
in this place is I myself

Kintsune Fujiwara no

It's beautiful, but why it sounds that is the argument against:

"Just Because you've got bananas in the fridge

Does not mean you've got monkeys in your attic"

How can we explain that in a review? Is say: "Not the hailstorm of bananas, That the hurrying wild cold in the fridge freezer: what Withers and falls away in this place Are the monkeys in my attic"

OK, it's funny and almost wrong, but there are always funny that ruins the beauty of Japanese poetry or Amelie Nothomb says:

"ruin our life with the hope that doing so also the ruin of others"

or even funny to ruin your life after death :

"A bus carrying capability only ugly people crashes into an oncoming truck, and everyone inside dies. They Then get to Meet Their Maker, and of the grief Because They Have Experienced; I decide to grant them one wish each, before they enter Paradise. They're all lined up and God asks the first one what the wish is. "I want to be gorgeous," and so God snaps His fingers, and it is done. The second one in line hears this and says, "I want to be gorgeous too." Another snap of His fingers and the wish is granted. This goes on for a while with each one asking to be gorgeous but when God is halfway down the line, the last guy in the line starts laughing. When there are only ten people left, this guy is rolling on the floor, laughing his head off. Finally, God reaches this last guy and asks him what his wish will be. The guy eventually calms down and says: "Make 'em all ugly again".

Acá recuerdo o mejor, tendría remember the book by Will Self "How The Dead Live" (favorite book Almost Deads). But all I can grab a phrase "Crops commiting herbicide" . I know I had a lengthy discussion on whether the sentence was correct or not, but I can not remember the premise of the discussion. Damn grass.

Two unrelated events to explain the abandonment of reviews:

"Prolonged, indiscriminate Involves Constantly Reviewing of books books about inventing reactions Towards Which one has no spontaneous feelings whatever." George Orwell

"A horse is at least HUMAN, for god's sake"

I said to myself, or rather I argue that review is a spin not know where, spinning thoughts that appear isolated, ideas or appointments or authors names or lists of unrelated ideas. Since Nick Hornby published "High Fidelity", ruined the fun hobby of the world. Amazon is known for Listmania! and of course not mediobobo Hornby was the first amateur to them. First, how could it be otherwise, is none other than the Jewish God, dictating that he spent his commandments, sins and all kinds of lists of what could and could not be done.

Charts today

America Rename to upset the Yankees:

USA - United States of America (why not?)
USA - South American Union
CHE - U.S. Brotherhood Confederation
FIDEL - Independent Federation of American States
OSAMA - Mexico Organization of American South to Argentina
F *** U - United
Federac ***

Ten people doing the same job his father, but worse.

Jesus George W.
Jorge Batlle
Julian and / or Sean Lennon

Jorge Martin Amis Charlie Sheen

Ziggy Marley Jolie Angelina

Sofia Coppola Study dogs

Fashionable long ago. Today almost disappeared
Afghan Collie

Setter Pekingese Pointer

All time classics

Beagle Boxer Cocker

Doberman German Shepherd Labrador

Poblacion still abundant but take out

Dalmatian Breton

still fashionable for a short while Fila

Husky Pit Bull

never fully fashioned for inconvenience several
Great Dane Chihuahua

Bull Dog Sausage

Please do not diagnose and tune in to The Almost Deads singing in "Dead dog, no rabies": "A dog is a dog / dead like a log / They do not give a fuck / 'bout your blog "