(not invent it goes Tarariras Herald)
not invent it had access to CT brain Jackie Rodriguez Stratta. The popular film commentator for Channel 10, confessed to the doctor in charge of the review was very satisfied with the results: "There are no doubts that I have a brain exquisite," he said.

Daniel Lucas, jealous of the results obtained by his colleague, undertook an MRI, unable to find in Montevideo scanner of its size. The results were disastrous as they tried to take the exam with an electromagnet because the whole team by MRI had resigned in solidarity with Dr. Leborgne. The content of the brain
Lucas was completely erased but after making three weeks of physiotherapy, the critic of Channel 12 seems to have recovered 90% of normal brain function: "Repeat the words correctly 'Fantastic', 'Notable' and 'spectacular' but the channel marketing managers have asked us if we planted the false memory of being lost brother of George Lucas. We're working on it." "Said the doctor soothingly.
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