Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hydrogen Peroxide On Gential Herpes

space for a new socio-political and electoral

It seems that this project that drew in 1986 virtually all parties to the left of the PSOE, heat demonstrations against the entry of Spain into NATO, hence the name "United Left, begins to dry up for lack of imagination irrigation and reclamation, so that in the absence of green shoots, are staying in the skeleton always it was structured, the PCE.
For IU has been more than two dozen political organizations of any trend. Today, 24 years later, living in a political desert that are active only the struggles of various factions competing for territory and power, all formed by the two great families who operate within it: the militants of the PCE and former members of the PCE. The richness of ideological and political diversity that looked presumably the coalition is long gone and the party of Cayo Lara is getting stronger in IU, but it is increasingly alone.
From the organizational point of view, IU is now just a coordinator of councilors, mayors are, elected officials and members of the various devices in the service of an oversized chart, which appears to disregard the dwindling number of activists, coming down month by month.
The organization therefore has nothing in its initial start integrating spirit, is more a combination of interests of pressure groups to share power.


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