Friday, January 29, 2010

F1 Overtaking Statistics

Gaspar Llamazares Madrid, hidden in the Rye

probably an Argentine psychoanalyst would take much point to this article published today in Gaspar Llamazares El Mundo. Deputy UI shows its weakness by legendary writer JD Salinger, who died yesterday at U.S. and Imagine that recognizes that a light has also been important in your life. Gaspar addresses in particular the best-known work of JD Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, "a book of worship was forbidden in schools etadounidenses for many years, a title that has enlightened and has unhinged many others, and I must say that in my case, I can not define precisely the extent neuronal did the work. But I remember that Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon, in his pocket, in addition to two-inch revolver, his copy of "Catcher in the Rye"

Gaspar Llamazares
now just two years ago, through an initiative Writers School, asked me in an extensive survey which was the book that I had marked in my life and I had a special memory. I replied without hesitation that "The Catcher in the Rye" by Salinger.
In a sad day when you know the death of his longtime author, and amid the deep crisis that surrounds us, not only economic but also the confusion of personal and ideological values, I think this work teacher with more than half a century of life, can continue to provide much food for thought to those who can bring to it, now without any prejudice after the elapsed time.
I read when I did not much older than Holden Caulfield, the protagonist unbeliever believe that just over 16 years. I have a daughter of similar age to him that you have not read it and hope it does not take much to do to compare findings. In my memory appear as the impacts that caused me narrative form and content.
is written in first person, with the same forthright, simple, run over, provocative limited and many are still complaining that teenagers today, and that at that time had not yet invented the 'sms' mobile. But that is precisely one of his greatness: feelings, frustration, broken dreams, hopes to discover and struggle with a teenager's life can not be counted with other academic scholarship and vehemently, sincerity and a tear hitting consciences.
The 'guardian' who dreams of being Holden is not only the history of the worst of the desert, that we live in the company and around people, nor a narrative of the dark aspects of society such as violence, hypocrisy sellers of sex, power imposes the strongest, the cities we swallow ... Nor is just the story of the road to academic failure, personal, human.
No youth or teen can feel failure at age 16, nor at 40 or 50. The star shows that a few meters of pessimism, dead ends or shock is the hope and illusion. In his case have the specific form of the eyes and the illusion of her little sister, but also a more dreamy and unattainable as this field of rye on the side of the abyss where he is going to impose order for anyone to perish.
This work is a paradox in itself. As in its long history went from being a damn book and forbidden to become required reading in high schools (Hopefully, it was in our country with or without educational reform), also in the individual history of any person can move from the despair and chaos of hope and optimism.
is possible that the field of rye is just around the corner. One need look ... and sure to have the same effect as the smile of a child.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

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Haiti unforgettable holiday

In Haiti, all is not as bad as they paint the doomsayers. Has exclusive golden sandy beaches and cruises Royal Caribbean International can dock, for sure. It is a place setting with modest but wonderful people. Then we took these pictures which I now present. An unforgettable holiday!

Isolated from the rest of the country by walls three feet high, topped by barbed wire, protected by a private security force, the small port of Labadee is the private fiefdom of the American cruise company Royal Caribbean International in Haiti.
Since 1986, three times a week cruises reach self-styled "private paradise " passengers enjoy beautiful beaches, delicious food, entertainment and all kinds of entertainment, including park Caribbean's largest water and even a roller coaster.
Despite the horrible earthquake last week, and general misery that exists in the island today, Royal Caribbean cruises are still coming to Labadee, from the earthquake have already visited the passengers of two of its cruisers and This morning disembark the passengers of the Liberty of the Seas, one of the world's largest vessels.
the other side of the wall, the people starve while bodies rot on the floor of the streets in Labadee barbecues are offered abundant, and only found in the soil are those who have drunk too Labaduzees, the signature cocktail private beach.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Easy Graduation Centerpieces

Bishop Munilla, ahead of his time

Munilla is a ahead of his time and recognize that it may be difficult today to explain their high thoughts to some people. It spoke yesterday at Ser, gave his views on materialism that surrounds us, made a slight reference to the earthquake that struck the other day the neighboring Dominican Republic, and has assembled a demonic turmoil that raised more than a cassock.
Bishop, pious and pure, despite the redundancy, as I obviously accused, the press of the lies that have been said about his comments in the program Nierga Gemma, a woman who, as everyone knows, has little moral principles .
Here is a video that puts everyone in place and God in everyone.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Technics Turntables Sl Bd 24

Hernando Builder An entrepreneur to serve the people

The blogosphere, which overflows Marxist cheesy aftertaste, not enough to interpret the real interface of a judicial decision in all respects complex and sensitive hearing. Carolina has done what he had to do before an Oedipal conflict-identity so far unresolved: red stick envious and put little money, who as mayor should have the mattress at the seams with commissions and tips for reclassification of land. But
citizen journalism pseudo exercising certain about the decision of Carolina has suffered a dry break in the hands of a professional real communication. Gentlemen, we are not talking about anyone, we are talking about Alfredo Urdaci, professional, solvent and post-Fordist, and that always permeates his intelligence in the service of good causes. For example, communication director Francisco Hernando, lord of the wells.
Here is an important document. It is neither more nor less, Hernando employer plans (at this rate, next president will CEOE) to raise Equatorial Guinea in a poststructuralist, ie, the Haitian. What many other builders, en su propia inmanecencia, intentaron pero ninguno consiguió. El empresario Hernando se quita el interfaz y muestra su verdadero rostro: El de una persona humana en un continuum venirse arriba sin que nadie le pare los pies.

Izquierda Unida ha convocado una marcha a pie desde Seseña (Toledo) al Congreso de los Diputados en Madrid los días 30 y 31 de enero para protestar contra la corrupción política y urbanística. La marcha, de 40 kilómetros, finalizará con una concentración ante el Parlamento y se iniciará en uno de los municipios que simbolizan el crecimiento urbanístico unconscionable. His election by the IU address due to this political report presented in 2006 before the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor denouncing an alleged preferential treatment by the government of Castilla-La Mancha and the City of Seseña to the constructor Francisco Hernando , known as "Paco el Pocero ', which plans to build 13,500 homes.

Throwing Up With Soapy Taste In Mouth

Haiti: God squeezes but does not release Powers

As the saying goes a friend of mine "God squeezes, but not loose." Between God and man we have buried the Haitian people, so ultimately, the landfill of history, as we have done with 80 percent of the African continent. And we are advancing a lot ...
I like especially the article Maruja Torres , which begins:
"A new asshole with a capital nature, always, when he kills, as if the majestic appoints Parca-ha left a devastated country and an international community that turns to send help. Devastate and tip are two verbs in the process of devaluation, because of the use and abuse. For not only the mother earth shakes from time to time to crush the most pariah among its occupants. The first world also helps with their invasions, their plundering, their lend a hand to corrupt governments and their foolish and void understanding of local realities. The map is halo of pins that indicate the landfill of history created by the human hand, and the tapes that same hand has permitted, in a vain attempt to stem the bleeding. "
Here are some facts about a country called Haiti
In 2004, the Security Council adopted a new UN invasion of Haiti. Since then, 7,031 "blue helmets" and 2,034 police, supported by 488 international staff, control the country. The troops occupying the "United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH) are commanded by the generals of Lula, and are composed mainly by Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Guatemala, among others. Brazil and Uruguay are the ones with the largest contingent of soldiers.

Haitian police chief is an African: Moutanga Mamadou Diallo, the Republic of Guinea.

Five years after the invasion, the Haitian people are still in terrible misery. The "humanitarian intervention" of the UN has only brought more "stability" for multinational companies that install maquiladora factories in free zones and exploit natural resources. For poor and working people no improvement. The crumbling health and education. Civil infrastructure collapsed. When the people protest (which happens regularly), it is worse, is brutally suppressed by the "blue helmets." Popular and humanitarian organizations speak of hundreds of dead, wounded and imprisoned.
When the shocking images of the earthquake began to spread, "Latin American Overview" reported a new political assassination. Upon leaving the University, was shot the writer John. Anil Louis-Juste, author of numerous complaints about the occupation of MINUSTAH and advocate self-determination of the Haitian people.
Amidst all the tragedy, CNN in English stressed, finally, an "encouraging news": Obama government decided the "temporary suspension" of the deportation of "illegal immigrants" Haitians.

x bleak

- Haiti has more than 9 million inhabitants.
- More than half the population is rural. 95% are black, and the rest, mulatto and white.
- The official languages \u200b\u200bare French and Creole. Almost half of the population over 15 years (47.1%) is illiterate.
- The annual nominal GDP is around 7,000 million dollars. Edited by what is called "purchasing power parity, per capita annual GDP is the lowest in Latin America (the following is Nicaragua) and only ahead of countries in Africa and Nepal.
- Remittances (sent by Haitians living abroad, mostly in New York and Miami), representing 40% of GDP.
- Haiti is one of the countries with the worst income distribution worldwide. The poorest 10% receives only 0.7%, while the richest 10% has 47.7%.
- 80% of the population lives below the poverty line. With an "income" of less than one dollar a day.
- Nearly 75% of the houses (wooden and tin) have no sanitation.
- Less than 40% of the population has access to drinking water.
- There is no garbage collection service.
- 80% of the population is unemployed. The average wage does not exceed $ 50 a month.
-The infant mortality rate is 59.7 per thousand live births, the highest of America and second only to African and some Asian countries.
- Only 24% of births are attended by qualified medical personnel.
- Life expectancy fell from 52.6 years (2002), to 49.1 years (2005). It is the lowest in Latin America and over only some countries in Africa, Bangladesh, Laos and Afghanistan. - With approximately 120,000 HIV infected (2.2% of the population), is one of the most troubled countries in AIDS.
- The country has only 108,000 fixed telephone lines.
Source: Correspondence of the press, radical agenda

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

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communism or criticize without postmodernism

can be left without critical postmodern lexicon and a good example is Daniel Bensaid, philosopher and revolutionary activist, who died yesterday, after a long illness. Here is the last paragraph of your last item. In the case of "Powers of communism", a short, heterodox and clarifying text he wrote for the No. 4 Contretemps journal, which was founded, and has published the magazine Viento Sur .

Communism is not a pure idea, not a doctrinal model of society. Is not the name of a State, nor of a new mode of production. It's a move that permanently exceeds / deleted the established order. But it is also the goal that emerged from this movement, guided and allowed against unprincipled policies, actions, not continuous, daily improvisations, to determine what about the target and that away from him. In this title, is not an objective and scientific knowledge of the way, but a regulatory strategy hypothesis. Names, inseparably, the dream of a different world irreducible, justice, equality and solidarity, the permanent movement aimed at overthrowing the existing order in the era of capitalism, and the hypothesis that guides this movement toward a radical change in property relations and power away from the accommodations with less harm than would be the shortest path to the worst.

crisis, social, economic, ecological, and moral capitalism does not back their own limits and at the price of an excess and a growing injustice, threatening both the species and planet, put back on the agenda "Today's radical communism" that Benjamin invoked against the rise of inter-war dangers.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Perimenopause And Veins On Breast

Daniel Bensaid dies, one of the founders of the French LCR

seriously ill for several months, died today Daniel Bensaid, founder and historic leader, along with Alain Krivine, the French LCR and one of the intellectuals on the left prestige gala.
Daniel Bensaid (Toulouse, 1946) was one of the student leaders of '68, a militant in the ranks of the Communist Révolutionnaire Jeunesses beside Krivine.
Bensaïd was professor of philosophy at the Université Paris VIII and editor of the Contre-Temps.
was the author of a wide and extensive work that includes more than thirty books in French. His work covers a wide range of topics as the study of Marx's thought (To whom he dedicated several works), Walter Benjamin and analysis of authors such as Bourdieu, Alain Badiou, Derrida, Foucault, the transformation of sovereignty, politics and the state in the framework of globalization, the new imperialism, balance of the trajectory of twentieth-century labor movement or global justice movement.
In his recent book has polemics with contemporary authors such as Antonio Negri and John Holloway, or the "new philosophers" as Bernard-Henri Lévy and André Glucksmann, among others. Segú
read the Anti-Capitalist Left page, Bensaïd was a longstanding member of the leadership of the LCR and one of the main leaders of the Fourth International. Actively participated in the creation of NPA.

Monday, January 11, 2010

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Patio Open Letter to the Mayor of Madrid Maravillas

The first is that we are glad to hear you talk about us and we in the media after two and half years of silence. So finally, is the social pressure, and not his good nature and disposition, which makes the politicians talk.
says he speaks to "encourage" to submit the draft to public tenders Patio Maravillas. When the company
Triball and council began work on the remodeling called "triangle of Crossbow" , Thereby increasing rents in the Malasaña, make-up of "pop culture" which is nothing but a speculative operation, moving into the neighborhood and killing the old rental flats-what tender won?. What
participation model proposed for the city council that social dialogue becomes a form? Now you will come to defend the public? "After handing the income of the citizens of Madrid to the private sector to build infrastructure do not need and never ask?.
Finally, what tender was awarded to the owner of Agreement 8 the right to private pension provision, which has remained closed for over ten years? What defense of the public has led to hundreds of riot in the street Agreement on 5 January?. No. El Patio Maravillas
and won his own contest for two years. El Patio Maravillas does not belong to the public or private property, but civil society in Madrid. Only she who has given birth years. To conquer civil and social rights, citizenship Madrid no need to apply any record.
To fill projects and forms to legitimize their city model look elsewhere. We have another hunch. Can, as they have so far, trying to "disintegrate" and make us disappear, but know that Madrid's civil society, citizenship rebel who walks the streets of this city has already decided. And as for us disappear ... no offense, but we believe that, for the moment, we are winning.
us and we do not occupying the building at Calle Agreement No. 8 and the street fish 21 to limit ourselves to raise our voice and we hear with the hope that the council repair in our presence and let us participate in their model city, but to build together other lives and other cities. Daily suffer unemployment or job insecurity, the disintegration of the minimum space that created a collective defense our fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers. We live in a border violence of any kind or through the systematic privatization of services, culture, etc. We know exactly what is being "integrated" into their world. We have given no choice in the matter. What we offer from the council is not new, is the song that you sing every morning and offer us the lullaby every night before bed. And we and we are here to sing other songs and dance other dances. So his proposal to "business as usual" us and we say no.
So no. Without respecting our autonomy, respect our ways organization, seeking to reduce this experience to that of a public cultural center there is no negotiation or agreement possible. If you want to talk about how to ensure continuity of Wonders Patio project as the people of this city it is demanding from its opening, here we have to sit and talk. It would be a nice way to start doing what any member of the administration should do: "obeying"

Patio Maravillas on Calle Pez 21.
Patio El Patio Maravillas lives, the struggle continues!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Congratulations On Arrival Of Baby Messages

Socialists Ramón Reig

bringing this useful contributions to the necessary regeneration of the left. This morning I found in this article Rebellion Ramon Reig, professor at the University of Seville and a columnist of those, with which, in general, it is hard to disagree.
The article discusses the vampirism that "socialist big house", the PSOE, applies to all currents that move around, especialmentre to his left, and the dangers that entails.
I leave, for their special appeal to readers of the blogosphere, the first two paragraphs.
"I write Paco Aguilar, a member of the Socialist Left (SV), to qualify one aspect of an article of mine. Not all socialists are assumed without further neoprogres a speech supposedly feminist and progressive hembrista. You're right, and I am delighted to continue to exist as Socialist Left PSOE awareness because many people probably know that IS is an internal current PSOE itself. What happens is that the most conservative assumptions PSOE have eaten everything and is now presented as the only left. In fact, are in fact and law, the only left visible. But others are still talking and that should be there to not go away any hope of passing on the right of Rouco Varela Rajoy on the right and from there to the ZP izquierdecha.
There was a PASOC (Socialist Action Party), historic bastion of PSOE, who founded the United Left. There was a PSP (Partido Socialista Popular), founded by Enrique Tierno Galvan, who finished within the PSOE. When Carrillo of the PCE had to go with his faithful, formed the Workers Party and, indeed, ended nearly all working for the PSOE. Some were given some tables on the Socialist headquarters and others began to make photocopies. A minority had more luck and stepped carpet. There was a stream of professionals and professors of the PCE, which called reformers or "peak gold", so rather than talking. They finished in the PSOE. Then in UI again Renovators sprout and eventually engulfed them the PSOE. And now IU is a band that attempts to collect the crumbs that you leave the PSOE. When Llamas is speaks as if he did again a member of the PSOE, that's what's called a useful idiot "

Nadine Jansen Palestra

Social movements are organized to respond to the Spanish EU presidency

Dozens of organizations are preparing numerous response activities semester of English EU presidency. Among the actions that are preparing the Alternative Summit highlights of the Summit of heads of state as the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean in May in Madrid.
Representatives of these groups will a press conference to explain the political lines that articulate their response to the presidency, the schedule of demonstrations and activities and a description of the actions.

c / Marqués de Leganés 12; headquarters of Ecologists in Action (Metro Callao and Novitiate)
On Thursday, January 7 at 12:00.
ACSUR-Las Segovias, ATTAC, Àgora Nord Sud, Friends of the Earth, Antimilitarista Assembly of Madrid, Baladre, EU Campaign Pa'que?, Campaign Who owes whom?, CEAR, BCSD-LA, CGT, COIN, Collective of Communist Youth, Collective Patio Maravillas, Inter-Union Confederation, Cooperacció, Christian Base, Ecologistas in Action / Ekologistak martxan / Ben Magec, Engineers Without Borders, In Struggle, Entrepobles / Entrepueblos, CEPS Foundation, Fundación Cultural Miscegenation Contamíname Centre Fundación Hijos del Maiz, IEPALA, Anti-Capitalist Left, Izquierda Unida / United Left of Youth - CM, Komité Support MST, the promoter of the UCM network of Teachers, League of Peoples' Rights, Medicus Mundi Catalonia, Mundubat, Observatory on Debt in Globalization, OMAL - Paz con Dignidad, Ospaaal-Solidarity, the Communist Party, PCPE Platform Rural Solidarity Network Ithaca, SETEM / SETEM-Catalunya, Verdegaia, veterinaris sense Borders / Veterinarians Without Borders.
Berta Iglesias (Who Owes Who Campaign): 662 448 924
Erika González (OMAL: Observatory of Multinationals in Latin America): 610 897 418
Fran Pérez (United Left): 665 955 939
Ricardo Garcia Zaldivar (ATTAC): 619 246 610

Monday, January 4, 2010

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Izquierda Unida: Redefining the irrefundable? Greenpeace

political theory professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra Raimundo Viejo Viñas, a former colleague and member of Espacio Alternativo UI years ago, makes a heartbreaking X of the current situation where the organization is, and focuses on the process of recasting, designed and led by the Communist Party thinking sector of Spain, led by Enrique de Santiago and Armando Fernández Stenka.
In his analysis (the third in a series on "Crisis, opportunity and political reorganization" and he dedicated one of them, very interesting, the implementation of Anti-Capitalist Left), published in the journal Diagonal, says Raymond has the basis of published documents, "IU is far from the interface configured as representative of the movement we need. Rather, the" re "points rather to the exhaustion aborted a model (the "political and social movement) and the need for an organization oxygenate exhausted by his own ineffectiveness."
Resume six points in his opinion, will prevent the process of revival in the current IU may have the slightest chance of success. And are:
1. A foreign discourse to changes in the world today. defense (not rejection) of work, gender feminism (and not its improvement), the economy of growth (in) sustainable production-industrialism, the relationship with technologies (unpresentable) digital canon, a historicist and unfamiliar republicanism of his own theory, symmetrical federalism (EUiA against ICV) and a long list that shows that UI remains mired in the outdated program last century.
2. A centralized organizational model based on hegemony, unity and the great structures of representative government professionalized. Contrary to what you think IU (and many others), the ideological and organizational fragmentation is not a problem, but an asset, the symptom of political decline. However, IU continues to operate within a tier (the myth of "left unity") by drawing (in vain) to frame the pluralism of the movement into an organization if it centralizada.Como is in force the Fordist factory, IU is engrossed in the idea that it is possible to piece together a coordination and decision center under his leadership (PCE).
Far from being understood that the logic of representation operates from the electoral law (which IU can not change) and, as result, the unit will only be formulated in terms tactical best results, IU stubbornly articulated as a homogeneous and homogenizing project on a territory that is not.
IU's proposal is guided by the reductio ad unum, for the eradication of diversity through the production of hegemonic consensus. As noted in his paper on "convergence" (a notion that is all a sign in itself) pluralism is only a temporary phase prior to the assimilation of external diversity. Even though there are people innocently involved in the process, its sole purpose is to extend the hegemony of PCE to a new concentric circle. Significantly, there arises the dissolution of the hegemon of the English Left (PCE) to create an interface where every activity is free and equal.
3. Participation understood as a plebiscite, and procedural non-democratic. In the eight-page document to guide the overhaul of the left did not say anything about the procedures that should guide the spaces of interaction with the outside. One example: get fed up with talk of ending discrimination against women, but no concrete or more basic parity. Neither provides a single indication of the mechanisms of accountability and responsibility. Logically, to participate in this process, even though it coincides with the ideological content, is like signing a blank check to an organization that has shown, by active and passive-a remarkable inability to interact with the movement away from relationships domain (Gramscian hegemony misunderstood).
4. The bureaucracy continues to set the entire UI performance. Contrary to the opening of the process of creating something new that current circumstances require, IU chooses an administrative control process (page 4 of your guide.) In fact, the "re" IU offers the forums as places to detect the external reality that has escaped them in recent decades without the slightest intention to apply the political responsibilities arising from their involvement in all this time. They are the organization projected outward as a diagnostic strategy, agencies and capture moving society. Unable to be addressed critically, IU offers only the outstretched hand of empty words, the central administrative procedure and plurality nonexistent inside.
5. English nationalism. keeping with the logic of the reductio ad unum, is still recognized "Spain" as a national benchmark of all citizens, no alternative to the subjectivity of identity that deny national (ist) English. This, which in itself is problematic for the public at large, it is much more to their potential bases (the rejection of what is called "Spain" increases exponentially to the left). Instead of recognizing that space to represent a segmented reality today is complex and asymmetric (for a confederal model is probably the only and final opportunity to articulate their territoriality), IU continues to save "Spain" for its historical failure as a nation state.
6. UI still does not recognize the effects of neoliberalism on the social composition of activism (not only class but gender, origin, culture, etc.). His project is (re) on the basis of the centrality of the figure of stable employment, male, national, etc. Instead of rethinking the structures of domination that says hope to combat opts rather for play on your own organizational realities. His proposals do not explicitly break with the policies of the big unions conniving, or question the gender roles, English rampant, etc. Paradoxically, they aim to open up to outside where this criticism has already been done (often from IU against IU and out of IU). This is the heritage of the movement.
being so, it seems that the new foundation will give us many joys. Let alone be used to build the interface representative urging movement policy. While not taking seriously issues such as the dissolution of the parties within IU, procedural democracy, acceptance of dissent, the federal principle, autonomy, social and other factors intrinsic to the production of the interface represents just over expect a poor widening the circle of PCE UI.

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Denmark considers whether human rights infringed Summit Aminatu

The director of Greenpeace International, Kumi Naidoo, explained today that the legal services of his organization are investigating whether during the Climate Summit in Copenhagen the Danish government has violated human rights.
One month before the start of the Summit, the Government of Denmark extended the powers of the police, prison sentences increased and tightened legislation to implement preventive detention and public order to avoid altercations.
result of this legislation, the summit ended with a multitude of arrests, including the director of Greenpeace Spain, Juan López de Uralde, and three other activists of the organization, who last December 17 slipped into the gala dinner that the queen of Denmark offered to heads of State and Government at the end Climate Summit in Copenhagen.
The four remain in detention, in solitary confinement and incommunicado and without trial date, pending the police investigation on 7 January.
The director of Greenpeace International, who toured the countries of origin of the four arrested for his release, has criticized the detention has been applied to the four activists, "although Greenpeace has offered information and cooperation at all times "and" has never avoided a date with justice. "
To Kumi Naidoo, the detention of four members of Greenpeace is an" attack on human rights "as well as an act "disproportionate, unjust, unnecessary and completely lacking in compassion", as all four have 21 days in solitary confinement and spent Christmas without seeing their families.
For now, the detainees are in custody charged with forgery, impersonation public authority and trespassing.
In this regard, Naidoo warned, "Greenpeace will continue talking with the politicians but not going to stop peaceful protest actions because each year more than 300,000 people about climate change and because of the inaction of politicians. "
In fact, tomorrow, Greenpeace is already preparing a protest in The Magi, laden with coal, they go to the Danish embassy to demand the release of four detainees.
The next day, the organization has organized a vigil outside the embassy and a dozen Danish consulates in Spain.

Source: agencies