Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How To Make Cool Designs On A Graphing Calculator

communism or criticize without postmodernism

can be left without critical postmodern lexicon and a good example is Daniel Bensaid, philosopher and revolutionary activist, who died yesterday, after a long illness. Here is the last paragraph of your last item. In the case of "Powers of communism", a short, heterodox and clarifying text he wrote for the No. 4 Contretemps journal, which was founded, and has published the magazine Viento Sur .

Communism is not a pure idea, not a doctrinal model of society. Is not the name of a State, nor of a new mode of production. It's a move that permanently exceeds / deleted the established order. But it is also the goal that emerged from this movement, guided and allowed against unprincipled policies, actions, not continuous, daily improvisations, to determine what about the target and that away from him. In this title, is not an objective and scientific knowledge of the way, but a regulatory strategy hypothesis. Names, inseparably, the dream of a different world irreducible, justice, equality and solidarity, the permanent movement aimed at overthrowing the existing order in the era of capitalism, and the hypothesis that guides this movement toward a radical change in property relations and power away from the accommodations with less harm than would be the shortest path to the worst.

crisis, social, economic, ecological, and moral capitalism does not back their own limits and at the price of an excess and a growing injustice, threatening both the species and planet, put back on the agenda "Today's radical communism" that Benjamin invoked against the rise of inter-war dangers.


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