As the saying goes a friend of mine "God squeezes, but not loose." Between God and man we have buried the Haitian people, so ultimately, the landfill of history, as we have done with 80 percent of the African continent. And we are advancing a lot ...
I like especially the article Maruja Torres , which begins:
"A new asshole with a capital nature, always, when he kills, as if the majestic appoints Parca-ha left a devastated country and an international community that turns to send help. Devastate and tip are two verbs in the process of devaluation, because of the use and abuse. For not only the mother earth shakes from time to time to crush the most pariah among its occupants. The first world also helps with their invasions, their plundering, their lend a hand to corrupt governments and their foolish and void understanding of local realities. The map is halo of pins that indicate the landfill of history created by the human hand, and the tapes that same hand has permitted, in a vain attempt to stem the bleeding. "
Here are some facts about a country called Haiti
In 2004, the Security Council adopted a new UN invasion of Haiti. Since then, 7,031 "blue helmets" and 2,034 police, supported by 488 international staff, control the country. The troops occupying the "United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH) are commanded by the generals of Lula, and are composed mainly by Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Guatemala, among others. Brazil and Uruguay are the ones with the largest contingent of soldiers.
Haitian police chief is an African: Moutanga Mamadou Diallo, the Republic of Guinea.
Haitian police chief is an African: Moutanga Mamadou Diallo, the Republic of Guinea.
Five years after the invasion, the Haitian people are still in terrible misery. The "humanitarian intervention" of the UN has only brought more "stability" for multinational companies that install maquiladora factories in free zones and exploit natural resources. For poor and working people no improvement. The crumbling health and education. Civil infrastructure collapsed. When the people protest (which happens regularly), it is worse, is brutally suppressed by the "blue helmets." Popular and humanitarian organizations speak of hundreds of dead, wounded and imprisoned.
When the shocking images of the earthquake began to spread, "Latin American Overview" reported a new political assassination. Upon leaving the University, was shot the writer John. Anil Louis-Juste, author of numerous complaints about the occupation of MINUSTAH and advocate self-determination of the Haitian people.
Amidst all the tragedy, CNN in English stressed, finally, an "encouraging news": Obama government decided the "temporary suspension" of the deportation of "illegal immigrants" Haitians.
x bleak
- Haiti has more than 9 million inhabitants.
- More than half the population is rural. 95% are black, and the rest, mulatto and white.
- The official languages \u200b\u200bare French and Creole. Almost half of the population over 15 years (47.1%) is illiterate.
- The annual nominal GDP is around 7,000 million dollars. Edited by what is called "purchasing power parity, per capita annual GDP is the lowest in Latin America (the following is Nicaragua) and only ahead of countries in Africa and Nepal.
- Remittances (sent by Haitians living abroad, mostly in New York and Miami), representing 40% of GDP.
- Haiti is one of the countries with the worst income distribution worldwide. The poorest 10% receives only 0.7%, while the richest 10% has 47.7%.
- 80% of the population lives below the poverty line. With an "income" of less than one dollar a day.
- Nearly 75% of the houses (wooden and tin) have no sanitation.
- Less than 40% of the population has access to drinking water.
- There is no garbage collection service.
- 80% of the population is unemployed. The average wage does not exceed $ 50 a month.
-The infant mortality rate is 59.7 per thousand live births, the highest of America and second only to African and some Asian countries.
- Only 24% of births are attended by qualified medical personnel.
- Life expectancy fell from 52.6 years (2002), to 49.1 years (2005). It is the lowest in Latin America and over only some countries in Africa, Bangladesh, Laos and Afghanistan. - With approximately 120,000 HIV infected (2.2% of the population), is one of the most troubled countries in AIDS.
- The country has only 108,000 fixed telephone lines.
Source: Correspondence of the press, radical agenda
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