Thursday, January 7, 2010

Congratulations On Arrival Of Baby Messages

Socialists Ramón Reig

bringing this useful contributions to the necessary regeneration of the left. This morning I found in this article Rebellion Ramon Reig, professor at the University of Seville and a columnist of those, with which, in general, it is hard to disagree.
The article discusses the vampirism that "socialist big house", the PSOE, applies to all currents that move around, especialmentre to his left, and the dangers that entails.
I leave, for their special appeal to readers of the blogosphere, the first two paragraphs.
"I write Paco Aguilar, a member of the Socialist Left (SV), to qualify one aspect of an article of mine. Not all socialists are assumed without further neoprogres a speech supposedly feminist and progressive hembrista. You're right, and I am delighted to continue to exist as Socialist Left PSOE awareness because many people probably know that IS is an internal current PSOE itself. What happens is that the most conservative assumptions PSOE have eaten everything and is now presented as the only left. In fact, are in fact and law, the only left visible. But others are still talking and that should be there to not go away any hope of passing on the right of Rouco Varela Rajoy on the right and from there to the ZP izquierdecha.
There was a PASOC (Socialist Action Party), historic bastion of PSOE, who founded the United Left. There was a PSP (Partido Socialista Popular), founded by Enrique Tierno Galvan, who finished within the PSOE. When Carrillo of the PCE had to go with his faithful, formed the Workers Party and, indeed, ended nearly all working for the PSOE. Some were given some tables on the Socialist headquarters and others began to make photocopies. A minority had more luck and stepped carpet. There was a stream of professionals and professors of the PCE, which called reformers or "peak gold", so rather than talking. They finished in the PSOE. Then in UI again Renovators sprout and eventually engulfed them the PSOE. And now IU is a band that attempts to collect the crumbs that you leave the PSOE. When Llamas is speaks as if he did again a member of the PSOE, that's what's called a useful idiot "


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