Friday, January 29, 2010

F1 Overtaking Statistics

Gaspar Llamazares Madrid, hidden in the Rye

probably an Argentine psychoanalyst would take much point to this article published today in Gaspar Llamazares El Mundo. Deputy UI shows its weakness by legendary writer JD Salinger, who died yesterday at U.S. and Imagine that recognizes that a light has also been important in your life. Gaspar addresses in particular the best-known work of JD Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, "a book of worship was forbidden in schools etadounidenses for many years, a title that has enlightened and has unhinged many others, and I must say that in my case, I can not define precisely the extent neuronal did the work. But I remember that Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon, in his pocket, in addition to two-inch revolver, his copy of "Catcher in the Rye"

Gaspar Llamazares
now just two years ago, through an initiative Writers School, asked me in an extensive survey which was the book that I had marked in my life and I had a special memory. I replied without hesitation that "The Catcher in the Rye" by Salinger.
In a sad day when you know the death of his longtime author, and amid the deep crisis that surrounds us, not only economic but also the confusion of personal and ideological values, I think this work teacher with more than half a century of life, can continue to provide much food for thought to those who can bring to it, now without any prejudice after the elapsed time.
I read when I did not much older than Holden Caulfield, the protagonist unbeliever believe that just over 16 years. I have a daughter of similar age to him that you have not read it and hope it does not take much to do to compare findings. In my memory appear as the impacts that caused me narrative form and content.
is written in first person, with the same forthright, simple, run over, provocative limited and many are still complaining that teenagers today, and that at that time had not yet invented the 'sms' mobile. But that is precisely one of his greatness: feelings, frustration, broken dreams, hopes to discover and struggle with a teenager's life can not be counted with other academic scholarship and vehemently, sincerity and a tear hitting consciences.
The 'guardian' who dreams of being Holden is not only the history of the worst of the desert, that we live in the company and around people, nor a narrative of the dark aspects of society such as violence, hypocrisy sellers of sex, power imposes the strongest, the cities we swallow ... Nor is just the story of the road to academic failure, personal, human.
No youth or teen can feel failure at age 16, nor at 40 or 50. The star shows that a few meters of pessimism, dead ends or shock is the hope and illusion. In his case have the specific form of the eyes and the illusion of her little sister, but also a more dreamy and unattainable as this field of rye on the side of the abyss where he is going to impose order for anyone to perish.
This work is a paradox in itself. As in its long history went from being a damn book and forbidden to become required reading in high schools (Hopefully, it was in our country with or without educational reform), also in the individual history of any person can move from the despair and chaos of hope and optimism.
is possible that the field of rye is just around the corner. One need look ... and sure to have the same effect as the smile of a child.


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